Monday, 1 October 2012



I have taken photos of locations which I have considered using for my music video. I will explain here why I have chosen certain locations and rejected others.

The first location I sought out for was a pale/white wall, so I could have my artists against it as if they are having multiple pictures taken. This first location was inspired by one of the location's used in Beyonce's video for 'Flaws and All':

Also I decided to use this location because in my primary research, my target audience said they would like bright, white colours used. I want the scenes filmed in this location to give the impression of a mock photo-shoot  where my actors will be playing about and having fun, whilst singing.

Here are some of the walls I found, whilst looking for an appropriate one for my music video:

Although this wall is white, I will not be using this for my music video because it has brick details, and I do not want this in my background.

I will definitely not be using this wall for my video because it is not white, and has very clear brick detail.


I will be using this wall for my music video, because it is plain and white. Also the lighting is good, and it is situated in a quiet, indoor location which I have easy access.

The second location I sought out for was a wide open field. This is because in my primary research, my target audience said  a wide/open outside location would be an appropriate location for my music video. I also chose this location because the wide/open field has connotations of freedom and happiness gained from nature.

I went to a local park, and looked for the most appropriate area(s) to film:

I will not be using this location because it is not spacious enough, and there are park objects obstructing the shot.

I will not be using this location because there is a wall and houses in view. The wall could accidentally give out negative connotations of being trapped, which is the opposite of what I want my location to connote.

I want to use this location as part of my video. I thought of getting my actor(s) to sit on the bench backwards to connote that looking at the world from a different angle can change the way you view life, which relates to the lyrics of the song. 

This location is very good, and I will be using it in my music video, because it is wide and open, connoting freedom.

I thought that I could possibly use this location in my music video, because I could film my actors running out of the gate, connoting them breaking free and escaping the troubles of society.

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